May 1, 2, 3

Strib=Star Tribune and PPD=St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch

5/1. Strib. p. A6. “Olmert rejects call for resignation”. The aforementioned call is in an Israeli government report.

5/1, Strib. p. A6. “Study: Arctic sea ice melting 30 years faster than expected” is based on a government study.

5/1, Strib. p. A3. “Report shows sharp increase in terror attacks in 06” is based on a State Department report. Surprise, surprise, the largest number of attacks were in Iraq.

5/1, Strib. p. A5. “Gonzales gave aides power to hire/fire appointees” describes a “secret” signed by Mr. Gonzales.

5/1, Strib. p. D1. “U.S. wants options data withheld” concerns access to the alleged backdated stock options in the United Healthcare case.

5/1, PPD. p. 1C. “CEO’S pay raises hackles at NWA” is based on filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission [SED].

5/2, Strib. p. A10. In Nation subsection, story, headlined “Interior official resigns before inquiry” is the latest development in the case of the Bush appointee who was changing government reports for alleged political purposes.

5/2, PPD. p. 3B. “Dog bites actually declining in city” is based on government records.

5/2, PPD. p. 2A. In Nation and World Briefing subsection, story, headlined “Court widely OK’d wiretaps warrant, among others states that only one wiretap request was disapproved.

Also on page 2A of the PPD are stories similar to those above about the Olmert report and the Interior official’s resignation.

5/3, Strib. p. B5. Story, headlined “Keep month of supplies handy”, is about a new Minnesota Department of Health website that helps prepare for emergencies. In order to use the site, the user must provide detailed personal information. Similar story in PPD, 5/3, on p. 12B.

5/3 Strib. p. B1 Story, headlined “3M did research on water in 1990’s”, see the light of day because of documents provided to the state.